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The western weka

Yesterday’s photo was of two weka (Gallirallus australis) chasing each other and is a blur of feathers where it’s a bit difficult to tell which end of the birds we’re looking at. Today’s is a proper photo of a weka close-up. The subspecies of weka that is found in the Tasman District is the western weka, Gallirallus australis australis, and it’s doing better than other subspecies. These guys are characters, and if you’re camping near them, you need to keep your stuff secure, because they will steal it. It doesn’t even have to be food or shiny for them to take their chances. Once I was camping with friends whose year-old daughter needed her nappy changed. Mum folded up the dirty nappy and put it to one side to be disposed of once the fresh nappy was in place. A weka darted in and snatched the dirty nappy, taking off across the campground. The nappy was too heavy for it, so it didn’t get far.

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