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The rifleman (Acanthisitta chloris) is one of New Zealand’s smallest birds. Weight-wise, it’s about the same as the grey warbler (6-7 grams), but lengthwise it’s definitely the smallest, at 8 cm compared to the grey warbler’s 11 cm. So… the rifleman packs as much weight into its 8 cm frame as the grey warbler does into 11 cm. Yes, your average rifleman is quite rotund. The warbler gets some extra length from having a longer tail, whereas rifleman – do they have a tail? Well, okay, yes, but it does kind of get lost among the wingtips when they’re sitting on a branch or rock. This rifleman has just a tiny splash of green on her back; males are much greener, especially on their heads and backs. This photo was taken in the Cobb Valley, on the track from Cobb Hut to Lake Cobb.